This legislation created a new section of law that covers what type of restraints may be used on pregnant inmates. A violation of this new law is a misdemeanor. When Restraints May Be Used All penal institutions, detention centers, and county jails must use the least restrictive restraints necessary when the facility has actual or constructive knowledge that an inmate is … [Read more...] about Restraints on Pregnant Inmates-2018 Oklahoma Laws #22
Stalking With GPS-2018 Oklahoma Laws #21
This legislation changed the definition of "stalking." Under Oklahoma's law, it's illegal to willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follow or harass someone in a manner that: Would cause a reasonable person or a member of the immediate family of that person to feel frightened, intimidated, threatened, harassed, or molested; and Actually causes the person being followed or … [Read more...] about Stalking With GPS-2018 Oklahoma Laws #21
Drug Court Eligibility Expanded-2018 Oklahoma Laws #20
The eligibility for drug court expanded under this legislation. HB 2881 amended 22 O.S. §§ 471.2-471.4. The changes went into effect on November 1, 2018. The opportunity for review of an offender for a drug court program may now happen at any time prior to the disposition of the case and sentencing of the offender. This includes sentencing on a petition to revoke a suspended … [Read more...] about Drug Court Eligibility Expanded-2018 Oklahoma Laws #20
Electronic Monitoring Eligibility-2018 Laws #19
The eligibility for electronic monitoring of inmates in Oklahoma has increased. The electronic monitoring program is for inmates in the custody of the Department of Corrections who are sentenced for a nonviolent offense. The electronic monitoring program requires active supervision of the inmate in a community setting with monitoring by a global positioning device. An inmate … [Read more...] about Electronic Monitoring Eligibility-2018 Laws #19
Sex Offenders-2018 Oklahoma Laws #18
One of these updates to Oklahoma law was named the "Justice for Danyelle Act of 2018." It was named after a girl whose molester lived next door to her. HB 1124 expands the places where a sex offender can't loiter or live. A sex offender now may not live within a 2,000 ft radius of the residence of his or her victim. A sex offender is now prohibited from loitering within 1,000 … [Read more...] about Sex Offenders-2018 Oklahoma Laws #18